- Filing a document in the wrong division or court.
- Filing a district-court document with a state or bankruptcy court.
- Filing a document without an original signature.
- Filing a document without a complete or correct case number or case style at the top.
- Filing a copy of a document instead of the original.
- Faxing a document to the clerk of court.
- Filing a document without a complete address and telephone number for the filing party.
- Filing an emergency pleading or motion in the dropbox.
- Filing a document with a long or confusing title or no title.
- Filing separate documents attached, stapled, or bound.
- Filing a document with exhibit tabs protruding beyond the normal page width.
- Filing a document with individually stapled exhibits.
- Filing a document with a loose page or exhibit.
- Filing a document with paper size, font size, or margins not in compliance with Local Rule 1.05(a).
- Filing a civil action or removal action without the civil cover sheet.
- Filing a document without paying the filing fees or applying to proceed without pre-paying them.