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Standing Orders/Plans/Procedures

Administrative Orders
Reference Date Subject Edit link
3:21-mc-1-TJC 11/01/2024 Order Regarding Payment of CJA Lawyers and Expert Service Providers
3:21-mc- 1-TJC 10/30/2024 Second Amended Order re: Utilization of Magistrate Judges
3:21-mc-1-TJC 10/29/2024 Order of Reference of Cases Arising under Title 11, United States Code, and Designating Bankruptcy Judges to Conduct Jury Trials and Act As Settlement Judges
3:21-mc-1-TJC 10/29/2024 Amended General Order Establishing Protocols for Processing Bankruptcy Appeals
3:21-mc-1-TJC 08/23/2024 Order Regarding Procedures for Highly Sensitive Documents
3:21-mc-1-TJC 11/15/2023 Order Regarding Consent to Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction in Social Security Appeals
3:21-mc-1-TJC 10/31/2023 Order Regarding Amendment 821 to the United States Sentencing Guidelines
3:21-mc-1-TJC 09/18/2023 Order Adopting Judicial Conference Transcript Fee Rates
3:21-mc-1-TJC 11/22/2022 Order Sunsetting Standing Order on Management of Social Security Cases
3:21-mc-1-TJC 08/25/2022 Order Extending CJA Panels to April 30, 2024
3-20-mc-16-TJC 11/02/2020 Order Approving Refund of Duplicate Payments
8:20-mc-100-T-23 10/30/2020 Order Adopting Admiralty and Maritime Practice Manual with Practice Manual
8:20-mc-100-T-23 10/27/2020 Revisions to the Middle District of Florida's Local Rules Approved
8:20-mc-24-T-23 03/25/2020 In the Matter of the Retention of Paper Records
Administrative Procedures
Reference Date Subject Edit link
PROCEDURES 04/01/2024 Administrative Procedures for Electronic Filing
Appointments to Committees
Reference Date Subject Edit link
3:24-mc-20-MMH 02/26/2025 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judges Sean P. Flynn and Christopher P. Tuite
3:24-mc-20-MMH 02/14/2025 Order Appointing Members of the CJA Advisory Committee
3:24-mc-20-MMH 02/12/2025 Order Appointing Members of Jacksonville Division Grievance Committee
3:24-mc-20-MMH 02/03/2025 Order Appointing Members of Orlando Division Grievance Committee
3:24-mc-20-MMH 12/09/2024 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a United States Magistrate Judge
3:21-mc-1-TJC 09/30/2024 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge Anthony E. Porcelli
3:21-mc-1-TJC 07/26/2024 Order Appointing Members of the Lawyer Advisory Committee on the Local Rules
3:21-mc-1-TJC 07/26/2024 Order Appointing Lawyers to the Jacksonville Division Grievance Committee
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/15/2024 Order Appointing Members of the Admiralty and Maritime Practice Committee
3:21-mc-1-TJC 11/15/2023 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a United States Magistrate Judge
3:21-mc-1-TJC 09/11/2023 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge Daniel C. Irick
3:21-mc-1-TJC 08/31/2023 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone
3:21-mc-1-TJC 05/25/2023 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a United States Magistrate Judge
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/14/2023 Order Appointing Members of the CJA Advisory Committee for Terms That Expire on December 31, 2024
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/08/2023 Order Reappointing Each Member of the Lawyer Advisory Committee on the Local Rules
3:21-mc-1-TJC 01/25/2023 Order Appointing Lawyers to the Ocala Division Grievance Committee
3:21-mc-1-TJC 12/21/2022 Order Appointing Lawyers to the Tampa Division Grievance Committee
3:21-mc-1-TJC 12/21/2022 Order Appointing Lawyers to the Fort Myers Division Grievance Committee
3:21-mc-1-TJC 12/14/2022 Order Appointing Bench Bar Fund Committee Members
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/03/2022 Order Reappointing Each Member of the Lawyer Advisory Committee on the Local Rules for a Term that Expires on January 31, 2023
3:21-mc-1-TJC 01/26/2022 Order Appointing Lawyers to the Grievance Committee for the Orlando Division
3:21-mc-1-TJC 01/03/2022 Order Appointing Bench Bar Fund Committee Members
3:21-mc-1-TJC 11/08/2021 Order Appointing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a United States Magistrate Judge in the Fort Myers Division
3:21-mc-1-TJC 04/02/2021 Order Establishing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a United States Magistrate Judge
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/16/2021 Order Appointing Members of the Grievance Committee for the Orlando Division
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/16/2021 Order Re-Appointing Members of the Grievance Committee for the Jacksonville Division
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/16/2021 Order Appointing Members of the Admiralty and Maritime Practice Committee
3:21-mc-1-TJC 02/03/2021 Amended Order Appointing Merit Selection Panel to Consider Re-Appointment of United States Magistrate Judge Patricia D. Barksdale
3:21-mc-1-TJC 01/29/2021 Order Reappointing Each Member of the Lawyer Advisory Committee on the Local Rules
8:17-mc-4-T-23 09/21/2020 In the Matter of the Re-Appointment of the Lawyer Advisory Committee on the Local Rules
8:16-mc-124-T-23 04/14/2020 Appointment of Members of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Advisory Committee
8:17-mc-00022-SDM 03/04/2020 Order Appointing Members if a Grievance Committee for the Tampa Division for Terms that Expire on 12/31/2022
8:17-mc-00014-SDM 03/04/2020 Order Appointing Members of a Grievance Committee for the Ocala Division for Terms that Expire on 12/31/2022
8:17-mc-00013-SDM 03/04/2020 Order Appointing Members of a Grievance Committee for the Fort Myers Division for Terms that Expire on 12/31/2022
8:19-mc-111-T-23 11/01/2019 In the Matter of the Re-appointment of a United States Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Florida
8:17-mc-4-T-23 02/25/2019 Re-appointment of the Lawyer Advisory Committee on the Local Rules
8:19-mc-7-T-23 01/22/2019 Appointment of a Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a Magistrate Judge in Fort Myers
8:19-mc-01-T-23 01/15/2019 Appointment of a Successor Panel Member in Orlando
8:19-mc-01-T-23 01/03/2019 Appointment of a Merit Selection Panel to Consider Applications for a Magistrate Judge in Orlando
8:18-mc-64-T-23 07/30/2018 In the Matter of the Re-appointment of a United States Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Florida
8:18-mc-65-T-23 07/30/2018 In the Matter of the Re-appointment of a United States Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Florida
8:18-mc-50-T-23 07/16/2018 In the Matter of the Appointment of a United States Magistrate Judge for the Middle District of Florida
8:17-mc-5-T-23 12/29/2017 Order Appointing Lawyers to Bench Bar Fund Committee
8:17-mc-10-T-23 12/29/2017 Order appointing Orlando Grievance Committee
8:17-mc-5-T-23 04/26/2017 Bench Bar Fund Committee Order Appointing Yanes to Succeed Moe
8:17-mc-22-T-23 02/27/2017 Appointment of Grievance Committee for Tampa Division
8:17-mc-13-T-23 02/03/2017 Appointment of Grievance Committee for Fort Myers Division
8:17-mc-14-T-23 02/03/2017 Appointment of Grievance Committee for Ocala Division
8:17-mc-10-T-23 01/20/2017 Appointment of Grievance Committee for Orlando Division
8:17-mc-4-T-23 01/09/2017 Appointment of Members to Lawyer Advisory Committee on Rules for the Middle District of Florida
8:16-mc-11-T-23 01/27/2016 Appointment of Grievance Committee for Jacksonville Division
Appointments of Magistrate Judges
Reference Date Subject Edit link
3:24-mc-20-MMH 02/11/2025 Reappointment of Anthony E. Porcelli
3:21-mc-1-TJC 10/03/2024 Appointment of Lindsay Saxe Griffin
3:21-mc-1-TJC 07/08/2024 Appointment of Samuel J. Horovitz
3:21-mc-1-TJC 01/31/2024 Reappointment of Daniel C. Irick
3:21-mc-1-TJC 01/17/2024 Reappointment of Amanda Arnold Sansone
3:21-mc-1-TJC 12/22/2023 Appointment of Natalie Hirt Adams
3:21-mc-1-TJC 03/10/2023 Reappointment of Julie S. Sneed
3:21-mc-1-TJC 03/08/2023 Appointment of Robert M. Norway
3:21-mc-1-TJC 07/01/2022 Appointment of Kyle C. Dudek
3:21-mc-1-TJC 11/04/2021 Appointment of Laura Lothman Lambert
3:21-mc-1-TJC 07/14/2021 Reappointment of Patricia D. Barksdale
8:19-mc-7-T-23 07/08/2019 Appointment of Nicholas Mizell
8:18-mc-65-T-23 03/08/2019 Appointment of Monte C. Richardson
8:18-mc-50-T-23 02/28/2019 Appointment of Leslie R. Hoffman
8:17-mc-137-T-23 07/23/2018 Appointment of Sean P. Flynn
8:17-mc-80-T-23 02/05/2018 Appointment of Christopher Tuite
8:16-mc-154-T-23 05/04/2017 Appointment of Anthony E. Porcelli
8:16-mc-123 09/27/2016 Appointment of Daniel C. Irick
8:16-mc-70-T-23 06/06/2016 Appointment of Amanda Arnold Sansone
6:15-mc-2-Orl-22 05/05/2015 Appointment of David A. Baker
6:15-mc-2-Orl-22 05/05/2015 Appointment of James R. Klindt
6:12-mc-71-Orl-22 07/02/2012 Appointment of Phillip R. Lammens
6:11-mc-176-Orl-22 07/13/2011 Appointment of Thomas B. Smith
6:11-mc-49-Orl-22 03/28/2011 Appointment of Mark A. Pizzo
6:11-mc-50-Orl-22 03/28/2011 Appointment of Thomas G. Wilson
6:10-mc-89-Orl-22 06/28/2010 Appointment of Joel B. Toomey
6:09-mc-84-ACC 07/29/2009 Appointment of Elizabeth A. Jenkins
6:00-mc-03-Orl 01/26/2000 Appointment of Douglas N. Frazier
Collateral Forfeiture Schedules
Reference Date Subject Edit link
6:09-mc-104-Orl-22 03/14/2016 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
8:16-mc-17-T-23 02/03/2016 Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Services
6:09-mc-109-Orl-22 08/10/2009 United States Department of Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Law Enforcement
6:06-mc-32 04/19/2006 United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
93-105-Misc 02/07/2003 Veterans Affairs
Reference Date Subject Edit link
HANDBOOKS 02/01/2021 Civil Discovery Handbook
8:20-mc-00100-SDM 10/30/2020 Admiralty and Maritime Practice Manual
HANDBOOKS 10/13/2020 Guide for Proceeding without a Lawyer
HANDBOOKS 08/01/2012 Handbook for Trial Jurors
HANDBOOKS 04/01/2012 Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors
Reference Date Subject Edit link
PLANS 09/08/2021 Plan for Pro Bono Representation by Appointment in Civil Cases
3:21-mc-1-TJC 09/07/2021 Bench Bar Fund Plan
PLANS 07/10/2019 Plan for the Qualification and Selection of Grand and Petit Jurors
PLANS 06/14/2018 Criminal Justice Act Plan
PLANS 04/30/2004 Plan to Minimize Undue Delay & Further Prompt Disposition of Criminal Cases
Standing Orders of Individual Judges
Reference Date Subject Edit link
6:21-mc-33-Orl-LRH 02/07/2022 Standing Order of Judge Hoffman Price on Discovery Motions
6:21-mc-3-Orl-78 01/13/2021 Standing Order of Judge Berger on Revised Local Rules
6:19-mc-32-Orl-LRH 06/17/2019 Standing Order of Judge Hoffman Price Regarding Privilege Logs
3:14-mc-52-J-34MCR 01/12/2018 Standing Order of Judges Corrigan, Davis, and Howard Notifying Institution Regarding Inmate Claim of Suicidal Intent or Other Imminent Physical Harm
6:09-mc-90-Orl-22 06/25/2009 Standing Order of Judge Conway on Civil Cases Seeking Stay of Warrant and/or Challenging Method of Execution in State Death Penalty Cases
Reference Date Subject Edit link
6:23-cv-1293-RBD-EJK 12/18/2023 Order referring matter to the Orlando Division Grievance Committee for a recommendation concerning further sanctions of Attorney Paul Gerard Wersant
6:21-cv-01579-RBD-LHP 11/01/2023 Order Suspending Lee D. Sarkin, Esq. and Drew M. Levitt, Esq.
6:23-cv-1838-RBD-DCI 10/27/2023 Order to Show Cause
6:21-cv-01579-RBD-LHP 04/27/2023 Order Sanctioning Lee D. Sarkin, Esq. and Drew M. Levitt, Esq.
6:19-cv-2137-RBD-LHP 03/03/2023 Order Sanctioning Curtis B. Lee, Esq.
6:15-cv-880-Orl-37TBS 07/24/2017 Order Adopting In Part Report and Recommendation of the Grievance Committee