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Frequently Asked Questions: Documents
How can I view a sealed document?
You cannot view a sealed document unless the court permits it. If you have permission to view a sealed document (for example, because you are a party or counsel of record and sealing was not done on an ex parte basis), you can visit the clerk's office in the division where the case was filed and present photo identification.
If I go to the clerk's office in the Orlando Division to view a document, can I view a document from a case filed in the Jacksonville Division?
From any clerk's office, you can view a document filed in any division, but you can only view the original at the clerk's office in the division where it was filed.
How do I obtain a document from an old case?
Documents from old cases might be archived at the Federal Records Centers and unavailable for viewing at one of our clerk's offices. The fee for retrieval from the Federal Records Centers is $64 for the first box and $39 for any additional box. Call any clerk's office for more information. Transcripts from old cases may be available from the court reporter. The phone numbers for court reporters are located in the About the Judges section on the repective page for the individual judge for whom the court reporter works.
How do I obtain a document filed in a case?
You can obtain a document filed in a case by visiting the clerk's office in any division or by sending a request for a copy of the document to the clerk's office in any division with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and payment of $.50 a page.
The addresses of the courthouses in each division are on the homepage and also below under, General, and, “Where is the clerk’s office?”
The forms of payment accepted by the clerk's office are below under, Fees, and, "What forms of payment does the clerk's office accept?"
You can also create a Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) account and download documents through your account.