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The Jacksonville Division is headquartered in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. It serves Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Duval, Flagler, Hamilton, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee, Union Counties.
300 North Hogan Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
The courthouse is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The clerk's office is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Both are open Monday through Friday, except on holidays.
The courthouse is wheelchair-accessible with a ramp that provides access to both main entrance doors, elevators. The intake office has a wheelchair-height counter. Contact the clerk’s office if a different accommodation is needed.
Private space is on the tenth floor of the Bryan Simpson United States Courthouse in the jury deliberation room connected to Courtroom 10A. To gain access, request a key from the clerk's office on the ninth floor. The space is available to lawyers, staff members, jurors, and members of the public during regular clerk's office hours between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
There are food and drink vending machines in the courthouse but no restaurant or cafeteria.
Conference space for lawyers is on the first floor of the courthouse in suite 1-211. The room includes a work table, chairs, a couch, a fax machine, a paper shredder, a radio, a telephone, WiFi, a Keurig coffeemaker, a water cooler, and a refrigerator.
There is no designated parking for the courthouse, but there are several pay-to-park lots and metered parking spaces nearby.
To ensure courthouse security:
- No one may bring onto courthouse property a firearm, ammunition, explosive device, knife, pocket knife, chemical spray, or any other weapon.
- Absent an exception, no one may bring a personal electronic device (for example, a cell phone, laptop computer, or tablet) beyond a courthouse's security checkpoint. For information on exceptions, see the court's policy regarding the use of electronics in the courthouse in Local Rule 7.02.
- Each visitor to a courthouse must present a valid official photo identification, such as a state identification, state driver license, federal identification, military identification, or current passport.
- Each visitor to a courthouse must pass through a metal detector staffed by court security officers. If an alert sounds, a court security officer will scan the visitor using a handheld wand. The visitor must place personal items in a tray to be scanned by x-ray. If an item appears questionable, the visitor must identify the item and may have to leave the courthouse with it.
Smoking is prohibited inside the courthouse.